Thursday, May 28, 2009

When will it end?

Yes I know that I`ve not been very good at keeping up with the blog!
School closes on June 19th.Yıpee!
Canberk`s departamental exam is on June 7th and he keeps saying life starts on June 7th. I agree. The weather is great and he`s stuck inside studying.
Efe has finished his last exam today, a Math exam. Now life starts for him.
Mum( Levent`s mum) has gone to visit Tülin in Ankara and Levent.? Poor Levent he`s tired and exhausted and the busy summer season has just started.
We`re looking forward to Canada Day on July 1st. It will be a first for the boys.
See you all then.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Canberk's new hobbies

Canberk has started taking Karate-do, playing with Yo-yos( weeee!)and then taking drum lessons.I hear he's going to Canada this year to practice in your basement! Just kidding.
In his free time he studies.
Actually he's managed to raise his marks a lot and is really organizing himself.
Tomorrow March 21st he's going to sing in the school choir for the School Alumni. (Not willingly)

Handball in Aydin

Efe and his teammates went to Aydin to compete for the chance to compete for the number one spot in Turkey. Unfortunately they didn't get the chance this year.
That's okay they had a good experience and are still the 2nd in Istanbul.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

London with Pam and Phelan

I made to London and saw the sights. Take a look.
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Aydin Handball

Well tomorrow Efe is off to Aydin at 0630 by service.Yippee, guess who gets to take him? ME. Levent is going to watch.Stay tuned for updates.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


this is our little , polite cat. He's been with us for 3 and a half years.

Our little baby Ginger


Lucky us Canberk is acting like a teenager. Just hard to get used to it. We never acted like this! Hey Colleen!

2nd in Istanbul

Efe's handball team has won the 2 place position in the Istanbul handball league. March 4th they'll go on a road trip to vie for the right to compete for Turkey's championship. Good luck to them and him. Levent will go and watch the games and represent the family.

Meeting my baby brother.

Hopefully if all goes as planned I'll pop over to London for a day( OH! don't I sound like a jet setter) to see Pam and Phelan. Don't worry, just using one of my 2008 free tickets up.We aren't that rich just I'm lucky to have my hubby.

The BIG boy


Friday, February 13, 2009

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This year Efe is playing on his school's handball team. The team was 3rd in Turkey last year and going for first this year. Lucky me I get to be a handball mum! Check him out in the video


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Hidayet Yilmaz

We all watched our dad , father-in-law , husband and grandfather loose the struggle with brain cancer. Those who knew him, knew him as a mountain of a man who overcame all obstacles. Unfortunately, he encountered a glioblastoma, the most aggressive brain tumour which is also uncurable.
We spent the last 5 months of his life in Istanbul , while he and mum lived with us and we tried to extend his life with aggressive radiation therapy and chemotherapy. We were given 3 months but he managed 5.5. We all cried together, laughed and now grieve. But life goes on.....Enjoy your family and friends because you can only leave a legacy in your children and in peoples' memories.

Keep in touch

Welcome to our new blog. Keep an eye on us

Ski Trip 2009

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