Saturday, March 21, 2009

Canberk's new hobbies

Canberk has started taking Karate-do, playing with Yo-yos( weeee!)and then taking drum lessons.I hear he's going to Canada this year to practice in your basement! Just kidding.
In his free time he studies.
Actually he's managed to raise his marks a lot and is really organizing himself.
Tomorrow March 21st he's going to sing in the school choir for the School Alumni. (Not willingly)

Handball in Aydin

Efe and his teammates went to Aydin to compete for the chance to compete for the number one spot in Turkey. Unfortunately they didn't get the chance this year.
That's okay they had a good experience and are still the 2nd in Istanbul.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

London with Pam and Phelan

I made to London and saw the sights. Take a look.
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Aydin Handball

Well tomorrow Efe is off to Aydin at 0630 by service.Yippee, guess who gets to take him? ME. Levent is going to watch.Stay tuned for updates.